Веб Дизайн - статьи


=1= #!/usr/bin/perl -w =2= use strict; =3= $|++; =4= =5= ## config =6= =7= my @URL = qw(http://www.stonehenge.Xcom/); =8= =9= sub OK_TO_FOLLOW { =10= my $uri = shift; # URI object, known to be http only =11= for ($uri->host) { =12= return 0 unless /\.stonehenge\.Xcom$/i; =13= } =14= for ($uri->query) { =15= return 0 if defined $_ and length; =16= } =17= for ($uri->path) { =18= return 0 if /^\/(cgi|fors|-)/; =19= return 0 if /col\d\d|index/; =20= return 0 if /Pictures/; =21= return 0 unless /(\.html?|\/)$/; =22= } =23= return 1; =24= } =25= =26= ## end config =27= =28= use WWW::Robot; =29= use LWP::UserAgent; =30= use CGI::Pretty qw(-no_debug :html); =31= use HTML::Entities; =32= =33= my %description; =34= my %keywords; =35= my %keyword_caps; =36= =37= my $robot = WWW::Robot->new =38= ( =39= NAME => 'MetaBot', =40= VERSION => '0.15', =41= EMAIL => 'merlyn@stonehenge.Xcom', =42= USERAGENT => LWP::UserAgent->new, =43= CHECK_MIME_TYPES => 0, =44= ## VERBOSE => 1, =45= ); =46= =47= $robot->env_proxy; =48= =49= $robot->addHook =50= ("follow-url-test" => sub { =51= my ($robot, $hook, $url) = @_; =52= return 0 unless $url->scheme eq 'http'; =53= OK_TO_FOLLOW($url); =54= }); =55= $robot->addHook =56= ("invoke-on-contents" => sub { =57= my ($robot, $hook, $url, $response, $structure) = @_; =58= my %meta = map { =59= my $header = $response->header("X-Meta-$_"); =60= defined $header ? ($_, $header) : (); =61= } qw(Description Keywords); =62= return unless %meta; =63= if (exists $meta{Description}) { =64= $_ = $meta{Description}; =65= tr/ \t\n/ /s; =66= $description{$url} = $_; =67= } =68= if (exists $meta{Keywords}) { =69= for (split /,/, $meta{Keywords}) { =70= s/^\s+//; =71= s/\s+$//; =72= $keywords{lc $_}{$url}++; =73= $keyword_caps{lc $_} = $_; =74= } =75= } =76= }); =77= $robot->run(@URL); =78= =79= my %seen_letter; =80= =81= print =82= table({ Cellspacing => 0, Cellpadding => 10, Border => 2 }, =83= do { =84= my %letters; =85= @letters{map /^([a-z])/, keys %keywords} = (); =86= %letters ? =87= Tr(td({Colspan => 3}, =88= p("Jump to:", =89= map a({Href => "#index_$_"}, uc $_), sort keys %letters))) =90= : 0; =91= }, =92= map { =93= my $key = $_; =94= my @value = =95= map { =96= my $url = $_; =97= my $text = exists $description{$url} ? =98= $description{$url} : "(no description provided)"; =99= =100= [a({Href => encode_entities($url)}, encode_entities($url)), =101= encode_entities($text), =102= ]; =103= } sort keys %{$keywords{$key}}; =104= my $key_text = $keyword_caps{$key}; =105= if ($key =~ /^([a-z])/ and not $seen_letter{$1}++ ) { =106= $key_text = a({ Name => "index_$1" }, $key_text); =107= } =108= =109= map { =110= Tr(($_ > 0 ? () : td({Rowspan => scalar @value}, $key_text)), =111= td($value[$_])); =112= } 0..$#value; =113= } sort keys %keywords =114= );

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